The World Bank claims that food inflation is more severe in African nations.

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The World Bank claims that food inflation is more severe in African nations.

Although food is a basic human need, not everyone has access to it. On a continent the size of Africa, food security is still a major problem that affects millions of people in various ways throughout its member states.

Insider Business Africa shows which African nations were most severely affected by food inflation in February.
Africa’s most afflicted countries continue to experience substantial domestic food price inflation.

The World Bank is the source of this list.

Poverty, insufficient infrastructure, and climate change are some of the causes that contribute to this problem. In addition, difficulties including exchange rate swings and geopolitical unrest—best illustrated by the Russian-Ukrainian conflict—have impacted the worldwide supply chain for agricultural products and inputs.

More strain is being placed on the delicate dance of supply and demand due to the continent’s rapidly growing population. More mouths to feed means more people, which strains an already overburdened system.

The World Bank claims that food inflation is more severe in African nations.
The World Bank claims that food inflation is more severe in African nations.

In low-, middle-, and high-income nations across the continent, domestic food price inflation is still quite significant, according to the World Bank’s February Food Security Update report.

According to the analysis, the increased disruption of trade flows and market functionality, the expectation of below-average harvests, and the high cost of fuel and transportation will all contribute to its further growth in the upcoming months.

Every nation’s food inflation is calculated using the most recent month for which data on the overall Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the food component of the CPI are available, which runs from October 2023 to January 2024. The difference between overall and real food inflation is known as real food inflation.

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